Building new alliances ARiD will continue to be active in building new and strategic alliances. This will also include strengthening the existing collaborations and partnerships.

ARiD, Nile Africa Development organization (NAD) and Brilliant Leaders in Bradford (BLB) at the annual Africa International Achievers award, Hilton Hotel, Bradford, UK (27 May 2011). To learn more about Africa International Achievers’ Award, follow this link
Promoting Research ARiD -Africa will continue to use the research expertise of the staff in:
- Co-constructing knowledge and guiding public policy on contemporary issues
- Making research knowledge available and work
- Facilitating change in the community
Actors’ Engagement
ARiD Office, Pader.
We will engage in dynamic policy environments through strategic advocacies through:
- Strategic collaborations
- Online interaction on our website, blog and social networking sites
- Publishing policy papers
- Public dialogues and debates - Organising and participating in seminars, workshops and conferences
Building institutional capacity ARiD believes in institutional capacity building that is fit for purpose. We shall invest in both infrastructural development and staff development programmes for the purpose of sustainability of our programmes.

ARiD filed offices